感谢Mark Henderson的他的解决方案。我添加了一个包装函数,以帮助使这个函数调用更加PowerShell友好。我使用了一种不同的方法来分解数据(更复杂,而不是更好);这可以很容易地根据偏好进行切换。
function Get-SharedFolder {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string[]]$ColumnHeadings = @('Share name','Type','Used as','Comment') #I suspect these differ depending on OS language? Therefore made customisable
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$ShareName = 'Share name' #tell us which of the properties relates to the share name
#[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
#[string[]]$Types = @('Disk') # again, likely differs with language. Also there may be other types to include?
begin {
[psobject[]]$Splitter = $ColumnHeadings | %{
$ColumnHeading = $_
$obj = new-object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
Name = $ColumnHeading
StartIndex = 0
Length = 0
$obj | Add-Member -Name Initialise -MemberType ScriptMethod {
process {
$_.StartIndex = $header.indexOf($_.Name)
$_.Length = ($header -replace ".*($($_.Name)\s*).*",'$1').Length
$obj | Add-Member -Name GetValue -MemberType ScriptMethod {
process {
$line -replace ".{$($_.StartIndex)}(.{$($_.Length)}).*",'$1'
$obj | Add-Member -Name Process -MemberType ScriptMethod {
process {
$obj | Add-Member -Name $_.Name -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ($_.GetValue($line))
process {
[string[]]$output = (NET.EXE VIEW $ComputerName)
[string]$headers = $output[4] #find the data's heading row
$output = $output[7..($output.Length-3)] #keep only the data rows
$Splitter | %{$_.Initialise($headers)}
foreach($line in $output) {
[psobject]$result = new-object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ComputerName=$ComputerName;}
$Splitter | %{$_.Process($result,$line)}
$result | Add-Member '_ShareNameColumnName' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ShareName
$result | Add-Member 'Path' -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {("\{0}\{1}" -f $this.ComputerName,$this."$($this._ShareNameColumnName)")}
$result | Add-Member 'Item' -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {Get-Item ($this.Path)}
$result | Add-Member -MemberType MemberSet -Name PSStandardMembers -Value ([System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@(New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet(‘DefaultDisplayPropertySet’,[string[]](@('ComputerName','Path') + $ColumnHeadings))))
[string[]]$myServers = 'myServer1','myServer2' #amend this line to get the servers you're interested in
[psobject[]]$shares = $myServers | Get-SharedFolder
write-host 'List of Shares' -ForegroundColor Cyan
$shares | ft -AutoSize
write-host 'Shares as Get-Item output' -ForegroundColor Cyan
$shares | select -expand Item